Who use this platform?
People who want to grow
Also known as Coaching Clients, Coachees, Mentees, Students, and Learners
People who help others grow
Also known as Coaches, Mentors, Instructors, or Trainers. In large companies and private practice
How does it work?
Create an account
Sign up. The button is top right
Buy a coaching tool or training program
Click on ‘Shop’ in top menu. Buy what will help you grow
Simply follow your coaching process or mentoring- and training program
How does it work?
Create an account
Sign up. The button is top right
Subscribe as a Coach or Instructor
Only $10 per month. Click below
Buy a coaching tool or training program
Click on ‘Shop’ in top menu
Invite your coaching clients or students to sign up
It’s free for them
What's the benefit?
You can buy high quality coaching processes, coaching tools, and training programs
All your coaching, mentoring, and training is on one platform
Many functions
There are functions like messaging, profiles, groups, document upload, etc.
You can track your own or your clients and students’ progress