12 Meaningful Conversations

12 Meaningful conversation tools for Leaders, Mentors, and Coaches.

Through a blend of expert guidance, practical exercises, and real-world examples, "12 Meaningful Conversations" will empower you to create a balanced impact on the lives of those you lead and guide. Embark on a transformative journey that will not only enrich your professional life but also inspire personal growth within yourself as you help others grow.


Meaningful Conversation #1

Meet and greet

Meaningful Conversation #2

Clarifying your values

Meaningful Conversation #3

Identifying your roles

Meaningful Conversation #4

360 Degree feedback

Meaningful Conversation #5

Your contributions at home

Meaningful Conversation #6

Your contributions at work

Meaningful Conversation #7

Your contributions at your place of worship

Meaningful Conversation #8

Your passions

Meaningful Conversation #9

Your temperament

Meaningful Conversation #10

Your DISC personality

Meaningful Conversation #11

Your Enneagram personality

Meaningful Conversation #12

Your purpose in life

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