Enneagram infographics

The 9 types

Descriptive words

What is your purpose?

What makes you happy?

How you communicate?

What other people appreciate about you?

What is your superpower?

What are your values?

How do you contribute?

What are your potential challenges?

What are your challenging emotions?

What would be your prayer?

What would be the slogan of your life?

If your life was a movie, the title would be…

When you are at a bad place, how are you?

What do you struggle with in life?

What city would you enjoy the most?

What animal do you identify most?

What contributions do you make to the team?

What do you fear most?

What would utopia look like for you?

What negative emotions you might experience?

What positive emotions you might experience?

What would you do at the party?

How you are at school?

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