
This team coaching tool helps a team discover certain important elements in the team, i.e. team strengths, achievements, focus areas, and roles.

  • Step 1: The facilitator introduces this team discovery exercise with these words, “I would like us to discover strengths, achievements, focus areas, and roles in our team. I will read an incomplete sentence and you complete it as you want to. We will go around the circle and everyone will get an opportunity to complete every sentence. If it leads to discussions we can have them.”
  • Step 2: The facilitator reads the first sentence and allows everyone in the team to complete it.
  • Step 3: After everyone has completed the first sentence the facilitator reads the second sentence and everyone completes it. This process is followed until all the incomplete sentences have been completed.
Coaching Tool

To view the coaching tool with the incomplete sentences, click the button below. Swipe left to go to the next incomplete sentence.

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