Leaders don’t live in condemnation

It is liberating to know God will love us, irrespective of ourselves.
His love eventually transforms us because it is unconditional. Adam, man’s nature without Christ, the nature we are born with could never please God. That is why Jesus took Adam to the grave and buried him. Adam stayed behind in the grave and Jesus was resurrected.
God knows that ‘Adam’ is too weak to please Him, and He knew He had to love us not because we love Him. There is a deeper dimension we should enter in our understanding of God’s love. A dimension where we realize His love for us is not based on our performance. Not at all.
Condemnation always leads to separation.
Many leaders and their followers experience condemnation because of the enemy and their choice not to believe the truth about God’s love. Condemnation is the opposite of conviction.
The enemy is also known as the “accuser of the brothers“, the one who accuses us before God. As much as conviction has the power to lead us to repentance to restore our relationship with God, condemnation drives us in the opposite direction, away from God.
The enemy knows that when we isolate ourselves or hide our true selves, we become a target. It is in the dark we are conquered. Those kept in darkness are ruled by darkness. Condemnation makes us feel unworthy. It makes us feel we don’t want to go back to God because ‘I have done again what I don’t want to do’.
As much as Jesus is the kind-hearted Advocate that pleads our case before God, the great Intercessor that goes between us and God, the enemy is the great accuser. He is the one that makes us feel unworthy because of our sin.
So, as a question to ponder, when will you rather choose the conviction of the Holy Spirit, than the condemnation of the enemy?