Make your decision now
Wow, we are living in an amazing time of human history!
There’s a spiritual awakening happening right now, and we all have the chance to make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as our savior. This is the day of salvation!
Jesus is the answer to the eternal question of where we will spend eternity. If we choose him, we will spend eternity in glory with him and God.
The good news is that Jesus didn’t come to steal from us; he came that we might have abundant life.
He is the way, the truth, and the life, and there’s no other way to eternal life except through him. Our heavenly father is waiting with open arms to receive us into his family, and Jesus is the door to his heart.
If we want to put first things first, we need to accept Jesus Christ as our savior and lord. And it’s not complicated- it just starts with a simple prayer!
So, if you’re ready to make this decision, I urge you to start with direction, not speed. Take the time to pray and talk to Jesus. Tell him that you come to him as a sinner in need of a savior. Choose him today to save you and become the king of your life. Give him your life and accept the sacrifice he gave when he died. Ask him to teach you about his ways and lead you deep into him.
Thank God for this salvation and invite the Holy Spirit to come and make his home in you.
From today, you’ll be his, and now you know that he’s yours.