Leaders live in forgiveness

The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

It’s His mercy and kindness that lead us to repentance, not His wrath and anger. God does not want us to feel bad about our sin; He wants us to repent of it so that we can remove what separates us from Him.

The feelings that accompany conviction may be uncomfortable or make us feel unworthy, but the purpose of conviction is always restoration. Conviction leads to repentance, which leads us to the cross where our King’s blood soaked the earth, and repentance leads to restoration.

We become one with our Father, where there is no separation.

God is always close to us, but we move further away from or closer to Him. When we sin, His Spirit convicts us, and the blood of Christ is available to forgive us our sins. You might ask, “How long does it take God to forgive me when I repent of my sin?” The answer is “immediately.”

Jesus dealt with sin completely, and He wants us to embrace the sacrifice He made for our freedom. He knows the deep and significant price He paid for our freedom from the sin that separates us.

So, as a question to ponder, are you willing to forgive yourself every time God forgives you?

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