
God creates
Do you know that before we put anything into practice, our mind-set and perspective always shift first? It’s true! We

God wants you to choose well
Let me break this down for you. So, our third mode of existence is basically when we go back to

God is in on you
Okay, so the second way we exist is in our physical bodies on Earth. We’re both physical and spiritual in

God is your designer
Did you know that before time even started, God had already designed you? Like, he had a perfect plan for

God is on point
Have you ever felt like some of your experiences in life were a big mistake? Like you were just in

God knows
As humans we got three ways we exist. The first way is in God’s mind and heart. Before we even

God cares
Okay, so picture this: I was in a pretty tough spot. I’d been working for this company for almost five

God sees
Did you know that we are eternal beings just like God? It’s true! We were created in His image, which

You’re pretty amazing
Your life is pretty dang significant, like seriously amazing! And I’m not just talking about what your parents or the

4 Steps of knowing
Have you ever heard about the process of learning? It’s pretty interesting. It all starts with not even realizing what

Identity is a big deal
Let’s talk about how Jesus knew who he was. He didn’t just wake up one day and decide he was

You have a right to be you
Let me tell you something important. If you don’t know who you truly are, the identity that God has created

You are 1 of a kind
God doesn’t believe in clones or duplicates. He didn’t create you with a backup plan or a spare copy, just

You are who you are
Let’s talk about identity and how it all starts with what we think. Our thoughts are the building blocks of

You are what you think
You know how people say that everyone has a purpose in life? Well, it turns out that this purpose is

Leadership in challenging times: 2
Each new season brings with it new challenges that we must face. Our world is constantly evolving, and every year

Leadership in challenging times: 3
The thought that we are all in this together is a universal truth that applies to each and every one

Leadership in challenging times: 4
Your life is a masterpiece, unique and valuable beyond measure. There is no one else in this world who can

Leadership in challenging times: 5
You have the power to make a difference, to bring light to darkness, and to inspire those around you. You

Leadership in challenging times: 6
Allow me to impart this final thought to inspire you: “Start where you are, use what you have, and do

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 16
When you look in the eyes of God you will see the greatness of who you are. Developing a deep

Live your greatness
Leader, it’s important to recognize that people look up to you, whether you realize it or not, especially because you

Leadership in challenging times: 1
The world we are living in is facing serious challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and unfortunately, we are not

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 15
It is not always obvious or easy to recognize the value in other people unless you first see it in

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 10
Erikson’s theory provides a significant paradigm for understanding ourselves as we move through the different stages of life. According to

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 12
As a leader at home, it is important to resist the temptation to always take things out of your children’s

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 13
As a leader, it is important to come alongside your followers and guide them rather than immediately cutting them off.

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 14
In the eight ages of man, as defined by Erik Erikson, the fourth stage that we go through from the

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 11
It is crucial for leaders to understand not only themselves, but also their followers. One of the qualities leaders can

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 9
Becoming autonomous is a difficult task for many individuals, and one of the biggest obstacles to achieving this autonomy is

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 8
As a Leadership Coach with many years of experience working in various corporate environments, I have observed a common issue

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 7
Shame and guilt are emotions that stem from a sense of unworthiness, where one may feel inadequate or not good

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 6
In the second stage of our lives, which spans from the ages of one to three years, the fundamental task

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 5
At times, we tend to view leadership as an abstract concept, something we only discuss and think about but never

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 4
Your trustworthiness is a fundamental element that can make a significant impact on how your team bonds and trusts one

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 3
It is a profound realization to awaken to the reality that one’s posture in life holds more weight than the

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 2
Looking at these eight stages in life, I humbly aspire to offer you a paradigm that can potentially aid you

Leaders and the 8 ages of man: 1
The realm of leadership is multifaceted and can be understood from various perspectives, such as products, processes, or people. However,

Leaders are influential
As a leader, it is imperative that you never underestimate the influence that you have on the lives of others.

Leaders live in the work of the cross
Our sole salvation from condemnation lies in the person of Jesus Christ. He alone has the power to eradicate our

Leaders appreciate the price of the cross
By grace, God imparted to me the profound revelation that the price for my redemption has been paid, and that

Leaders seek closeness with God
When the Holy Spirit convicts us of the sin that separates us from our Heavenly Father, it is for the

Leaders live in forgiveness
The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness, and judgment. It’s His mercy and kindness that lead us to repentance,

Leaders don’t live in condemnation
It is liberating to know God will love us, irrespective of ourselves. His love eventually transforms us because it is

Leaders embrace God’s love
As leaders, it is important to change our paradigms about God’s love. His love for us is not based on

Leaders embrace conviction
As leaders, it is essential to differentiate between conviction and condemnation. These two concepts are not interchangeable. Conviction is a

Leaders persevere relentlessly
Perseverance and longsuffering are inherently intertwined, as it is an arduous task to endure and persist through suffering. Nevertheless, the

Don’t waste your trials
The essence of our sinful nature, “Adam-in-us,” must be put to death to make room for Jesus to live in

Die to live
One of the most important things to understand about suffering is that it’s not punishment from God. It’s easy to

How does character’s path look like?
In his writings, Paul suggests that character is built through suffering. He explains in Romans 5 that perseverance through difficult

Leaders need character
Leadership is about having character, but what does that really mean? Well, it’s not just about having a great personality